UMI Headquarters office

A vibrant environment for volkswagen startup

I was commissioned to design the new Berlin offices for WeShare, a young and fast-growing company subsidiary of Volkswagen, which shapes future mobility and offers a 100% electric car sharing service. Its new space provides a variety of different environments for over 100 employees to work individually, co-work in groups, rest, meet and talk.

An important building from the 70’s, an industrial structure characterized by low ceilings, dark and gloomy finishes and exposed technical parts was to be turned into a bright and airy atmosphere for WeShare’s new offices.

In collaboration with architect Giulia Fagni and set designer Simone Serlenga, I decided to make the office environment more welcoming by using energizing color palettes and a rich material scheme.  The interiors boast bold color combinations, plants, shielded relax areas and different textiles. Graphic murals and tactile seats keep the employees focused and comfortable.

To communicate the brand and values of the young and dynamic mobility start-up, we set out to find contemporary decorative elements, modern furniture and a nice balance between corporate representative and casual spaces.

The seven meeting rooms, distributed throughout the 2 floors, each have a different character and color, designed to incentivize collaboration and evoke different sensations: the yellow room nurtures creativity and energy; the salmon pink room has a calming yet focused effect, enhanced by its rounded furniture; the blue room, designed for more informal and quick meetings, represents mobility, urban culture and the city of berlin as a wallpaper map; the biggest meeting room is clad in wooden panelling, furnished with wooden chairs and a table, and boasts a neon light company logo. This room provides the office with a large space to host internal and external meetings in a strongly branded yet smoothing natural environment.

The custom-made, birch plywood phone booths stand as landmarks on the grey vinyl flooring creating a contrast between the minimal bright exterior and the colourful warm interiors. The booths host private phone-calls and small meetings. Two-size modules phone-booths function also as screens for the annex relaxation area, equipped with a wide and comfortable sofa that overlooks the windows.

Bigger lounging spaces can be found in each floor and also host additional work places and cozy seating. Translating the need for company-wide meetings, we also designed an all-hands area, whose aesthetic takes its cue from the Memphis movement. Squared and rounded modules covered by recycled patterned vinyl are added to the stairs and seats to create movement and depth, outlining the shapes and breaking the geometries.